

  • 哈利・波特在霍格活茨魔法学校经过三年的学习和磨炼,逐渐成长为一个出色的巫师.新学年开始前,哈利和好朋友罗恩、赫敏一起去观看精彩的魁地奇世界怀赛,无意间发现了消失十三年的黑魔标记.他要做一个普普通通的四年级魔法学生,可不幸的是,哈利注定永远都不可能平平常常――即使拿摩法界的标准来衡量.黑魔的阴影始终挥之不去,种种暗藏杀机的神秘事件将哈利一步步推向了伏地魔的魔爪.哈利渴望在百年不遇的三强争霸赛中战胜自我,完成三个惊险艰巨的魔法项目,谁知整个竞赛竟是一个天大的黑魔法阴谋.

    In his fourth year at Hogwarts, Harry faces his greatest challenges and dangers yet. When he is selected under mysterious circumstances as a contestant in the Triwizard Tournament, Harry must compete against the best young wizards from schools all over Europe. But as he prepares, signs begin to point to the return of Lord Voldemort. Before long, Harry is playing not just for the Cup, but for his life.——希望多少可以帮到您!