英语语法 with lots of books to read ,susan had to refuse mike's


  • With lots of books to read ,Susan had to refuse Mike's invitation.

    答:这个with=having ,相当于:Having lots of books to read,...

    而我们知道,having 这个分词的逻辑主语就是Susan

    当我们说苏珊有很多书要看时,说:Susan has lots of books to read.

    这个句子中,不定式作后置语,其逻辑主语就是被它所饰的名词book,这book与read之间是被动关系,照理应用to be read,但由于这个句型的特殊性,明显其逻辑主语是Susan,所以就用主动态的不定式了.


    I have some clothes to wash.我有一些衣服要洗. 是“我”主动洗.

    I have some clothes to be washed.我有一些衣服要拿去请人洗.(是由别人洗)=to be washed by others.

    确实,这句话中to read的逻辑主语就是Susan,句子的主语,明确可见,所以这么表达.如果不是Susan 发出这个read的动作,而是由别人发出的,则有可能是不定式的被动式,例:

    With some receipts to be signed up (by the headmaster) ,Susan couldn't go to the cinema with me today.

    这是我编的句子,可能不是很好.但这发票不是Susan签字的,是由别人签的(校长),所以这里还得用to be signed up