·帮我看看几道英语翻译题Medical researchers are painfully aware that the


  • Medical researchers are painfully aware that there are many problems _____(他们至今都没有找到答案)

    一定是which thay haven't found answers to

    能不能是and they haven't found answers yet.

    这句的意思是这些 many problems 是他们至今都没有找到答案的 problems,所以说"他们至今都没有找到答案"是用来修饰 problems的, 那就要用定语从句修饰problems了,所以一定要用which thay haven't found answers to。and是并列结构,起不到修饰作用。

    _______ (大多数父母所关心的) is providing the best education for their children

    What most parents care about



    Throught the project ,many people have received training and ___(决定自己创业)

    decided to start their own business.

    为什么不是they decided to start their own business.???and之后不就是另一句话了吗?

    and 是并列结构,前后不一定都是句子做并列成分的,比如 I have an apple and a pear.前后都是名词结构。 I have read the book and finished my homework. 同样都不是完整的句子结构来做并列成分的。

    The anti-virus agent was not known _____(直到一名医生偶然发现了它)

    until it was accidentally found by a doctor

    能不能是a doctor find it accidentally.

    可以,但是find要改为 found,过去式。

    until 作为连词,其后所跟的是一句完整的句子,其被动主动都不会被其前后句子所限制。

    until 此外也能做介词,后跟名词作宾语。
