

  • 作为疑问词的how,意思:如何

    How does this machine work?这台机器是怎么工作的?

    How is she today?她今天怎么样?

    How bad was it?究竟有多糟?

    How is it that he left early?他为什么会这么早离开?

    How should I take that remark?我应怎样理解这话?

    How is she called?她怎么称呼?

    How do you sell this corn?这玉米怎么卖?

    How's that again?请再说一遍?

    How about a cup of tea?How about that storm last night?来一杯茶怎么样?昨天晚上的风暴是怎样的情况?

    作为感叹句的引导词how,意思:多么,句型:How+形容词/副词+it is!


    How we laughed!我们笑得多欢!

    How beautiful she is!她真美!

    How well you look!你看起来多么健康啊!

    How very extraordinary that you should have never heard of such a talented dramatist!"真怪,你竟然没听说过这样一位天才的剧作家!"

    How they cried!他们哭得多伤心啊!

    How delicious the fish tastes!鱼真好吃!