一天,一个男人回家对他的妻子说:我给你买了点儿东西.妻子说道:“啊,你买了什么?” “我买了一金戒指,这儿呢.”他掏出来给妻子看,一下弄掉了.“天哪!我把它弄掉啦!”他开始在楼梯上寻找,但是屋里太黑了他什么也看不见.所以他走到屋外开始在路上找起来.就在那时他的一个朋友走过来,问道:“怎么啦?”“我掉了一个戒指”,他答道.“在哪丢的?”“屋子里.”“在屋里丢了戒指你却在路上找!”“好像是太傻了!啊,但是屋里太黑了,我肯定找不到的.这很亮啊,我能看的很清楚呢!”
One day,a man went home to his wife and said ,I have bought
英语阅读理解One day a man went home and said to his wife,"I bought
One day a young man went to the town and bought himself a ne
one day a man went to
Once a man came to a wise man’s house and said , “I have man
one day a girl and aboy went to have a picnic ou
One man was to meet his wife downtown and spend some time sh
The man went on with his journey home.翻译
英语翻译A man went to see his doctor one day,because he was suff
A farmer couldn't read or write.One day he went to a man and
英语翻译One day a girl came home from school ,and said to her mo