简单的回答下这个口语题Some people prefer to have a busy schedule with a


  • Answer in English?Ok,I'd like to have a try.

    Mostly,I prefer a lighter schedual,for lots of free time will belong to me.As you know,I'm a quite easy-going person who doesn't feel right when being confined to some certain acrivity.

    Try to imagine,what if my family call me to have a family dinner when I have to attend some boring and stupid conferences?In additon,I'm not a early-bird,what if the activity take place in the early morning.Above all,you know,a busy schedule with a lot of activity does not go with me.

    However,if you give me free time,I can enjoy myself completely and do whatever I want.I believe I will in a better mood and live a comfortable live as I long for.Well,lighter schedule,lighter pressure,which suit my personality prefectly!

    Is it enough?by Ambe