帮一下我的英语作文题目是What do you think makes a perfect graduate in un


  • Years spentin graduate school are undoubtedly a stressful and anxiety provoking period inaperson's life.There are academic pressures,family pressures,careerpressures and the pressure to balance it all.Below are some tips to help youbalance this.

    Firstof all,get support and guidance from senior graduate students in yourdepartment.These students have treaded the waters before you so they surely have theinside scoop on departmental matters.They can help you prepare for prelims,teach you how to operate that new high-tech microscope,and let you know somepitfalls to avoid as you complete your program.

    Secondly,be assertive and seek out opportunities.Your committee and fellowstudents will not know what you are interested in unless you tell them!It isperfectly acceptable for you to talk with committee members and fellow studentsoften about your plans for the future and to inquire about how they can helpyou along this road.Who do they know?Can they introduce you to someone whowould be helpful in your work?Can they include you on research that would be agreat stepping stone for your career?

    Thirdly,don’tput the rest of your life on hold.Many times graduate students get intothe habit of neglecting other areas of their lives because research seemsparamount to anything else.Does this sound familiar?We're waitingto have a baby until I finish graduate school,I would love to be involved inthat program,but I do not have time?Is there ever really a perfect time to doanything?There were things that were important to you before graduate schoolstarted,so continue to make those things important.Sure you may not be ableto be as invested in some activities as you were before,but you need balancein your life.It is especially important to continue to nurture yourrelationships while in graduate school.You will need tons of support to successfullycomplete your program.Don't get so wrapped up in academics that you neglectyour partner,friends,and family.

    Fourthly,Get physical.Exercise is one of the best ways to manage stress,anxiety,and depression.Take advantage of the world class facility you have in theRamsey Center.You can participate in just about any kind of physical activityyou can think of at Ramsey.If that's not your cup of tea,take advantage ofall the walking trails,biking trails,and beautiful outdoor scenery the Athensarea provides.You do not have to make a huge commitment,but you would besurprised at the difference a daily 30 minute walk makes.

    Fifthly,don't put unrealistic pressure on yourself.Here's a reality check,you are not perfect!Neither is your cohort member or your professor.There is a lot that you do know,that's why you are in graduate school; but there is also a lot you don't know,which is another reason you're in graduate school.Do not hold yourself to standards that are unreasonable and unrealistic.

    Lastbut not the least,utilize your resources.There are a variety of campusresources available to you whose sole purpose is to ensure your success as astudent here at your university.Use them!Some of these resources include:XXXXXXXXXX,XXXXXXXXXServices,XXXXXXXXXX Center,XXXXXXXXXX Center for XXXXXXXXXX,.
