帮忙解答几道英语题。谢谢!1.They are to meet at the school gate, ____ the


  • 1.They are to meet at the school gate, ____ there are a lot of flowers.

    A.by it B.which C.by where D.where

    答案A。定语从句需要引导副词where=by which.

    2.—Can you eat with chopsticks?

    —Sorry, I can't.I'm used to ____ with ____ knife and ____ fork.

    A.eat;a;a B.eating;a;a C.eat;a;/ D.eating;a;/

    答案D.习惯做某事 be used to doing sth; 一副刀叉 a knife and fork.

    3.---What is in the box?

    ---There ____ some chicken and some ____.

    A.are;photos B.is;photos C.is;photoes D.are;photoes

    答案B。there be 就近原则。chicken 鸡肉,所以用 there is ; photo 的复数是 photos 。

    4.---What ____ you usually have for breakfast?

    --- ____ and a cup of coffee.

    A.do;Three bread B.do;Three pieces of bread C.are;Three bread

    D.are;Three piece of bread

    答案B. 面包是不可数的。所以要用词组a piece of 。但 piece 是可数的。

    5.The teacher told the students ____ any food into the classroom.

    A.not to bring B.not bring C.don't bring D.to bring not

    答案A. tell sb (not)to do sth.

    6.---Two ____ died in the accident.

    ---How ____ it is.

    A.policemen;terrible B.policeman;terrible C.policemen;terribly


    答案A. How terrible 作 it is 的表语 ,表语一般来说只是形容词和类介副词。

    7.---We can use QQ to communicate with each other.

    ---Good.Will you please show me ____ ?

    A.which to choose B.how to use it C.what to use D.where to use it

    答案B。 表示方式。

    8.It's nice of you to ____ so much time showing me around your school.

    A.take B.spend C.cost D.have

    答案B。spend time (in )doing sth.花费时间做某事。

    9.Would you be ____ enough shut the window?It's blowing hard outside.

    A.enough kind to B.kind enough not to C.kind enough to

    D.so kind enough as to

    答案D。 so...as to . as to 表结果。

    10.---Don't waste water,____ we won't have enough to drink sooner or later.

    ---Sorry,I ____.

    A.so;will B.or;won't C.but;won't D.and will

    答案B。 祈使句,or.... 这种句子相当于含有条件句的主从句.本句可换成If we waste water, we won't have enough water to drink sooner or later.

    11.---____ is it from your home to the school?

    ---About ten minutes' walk.

    A.How far B.How long C.How soon D.How often

    答案A. 表示路程.

    12.---We need ____ some drinds with us.

    ---No,we needn't ____ that.We still have some in the car.

    A.to take;to do B.to take;do C.take;to do D.taking;doing

    答案B. need + (to)do sth; needn't + do sth; need to be done = need doing.

    13.---The weather report says there is going to ____ a typhoon tonight.

    ---So we'd better ____ at home.

    A.be;stay B.have;stay C.be;to stay D.have;to stay

    答案A. There 通常与 be 连用. had better + 动原.

    14.The plane ____ when we got to the airport.

    A.had taken off B.was taken off C.will take off D.is taking off

    答案A. 过去完成时表示过去的过去.

    15.---I seem to be lost.Could you tell me ____?

    ---Sure.You can take the No.3 bus to get there.

    A.where is the nearest hospital

    B.how long it will take to the airport

    C.how far is my trip to the Olympic Village

    D.how I can get to the National Museum


    16.---Sorry,Frank.I'm busy today.I can't go swimming with you.


    A.No problem B.You're welcome C.That's all D.Never mind
