2 Match the teacher’s purpose on the left with the correspon


  • getting feedback D.Will you please tell us how you will send it home?

    checking understanding B.Did I make myself clear?

    Assigning roles One of you play father and the other play child,please

    encouraging volunteers A .Who wants to have a try?

    Liaison A Not at all

    Articulation B.She sells seashells by the seashore

    Intonation C I want to do a good deed

    Loss of explosion D Do you speak English

    Intrapersonal intelligence B The ability to understand yourself,yourstrengths,weekness,and intentions

    Verbal intelligence A The ability to use words effectively

    Kinesthetic intelligence D The ability to use body to express ideas

    Math and logical intelligence C The ability to use numbers effectively and reason well

    Simon says D Listening

    Look and say A Reading

    Sentence completion B Writing

    Drawing according to instruction C Speaking