

  • Baa,baa,black sheep,

    Have you any wool?

    Yes sir,yes sir,

    Three bags full;

    One for the master,

    And one for the dame,

    And one for the little boy

    Who lives down the lane.

    Mary had a little lamb,

    little lamb,

    little lamb.

    Mary had a little lamb,

    Its fleece was white as snow.

    Everywhere that Mary went,

    Mary went,

    Mary went.

    Everywhere that Mary went,

    The lamb was sure to go.

    It followed her to school one day,

    school one day,

    school one day.

    It followed her to school one day,

    Which was against the rules.

    It made the children laugh and play,

    laugh and play,

    laugh and play.

    It made the children laugh and play,

    To see a lamb at school.
