英语的改错题,It not is my bag.Are you Lin Fang?No,I amn't.What are


  • It is not my bag.

    Are you Lin Fang?No,I am not.

    What is eight and six?

    How old is Bill?He is eleven.

    Bill and I are at school.

    This is our teacher.We love her very much.

    There is a big apple on the tree.

    Can you see a pen in the picture Yes,I can

    Where are my photos?Can you see them?Sorry,I can't.

    I often play basketball at school.

    Let's play with them.

    What's in the box?There are some apples.

    There is a pencil and two pens on the desk.

    I can't see any books in the classroom.

    Do you have a small bag?Yes,I have one.

    I think this is a good book.I don't think so.

    How many potatoes are there in the bag?

    Let's do our homework.