在每周六上午,我们会出去逛街 句子翻译


  • 1 我每周一,周四 会打扫 办公室卫生.

    I clean the office every every Monday and Thursday.

    2 我每个星期三 都会 擦拭办公室的玻璃

    I clean the windows in the office every Wednesday.

    3 在每周六上午,我们会出去逛街,或是去公园.

    We go shopping or visit the park on Saturday mornings.

    4 在每周五的晚上,他都会和朋友们一起吃饭,玩耍.

    He has dinner and plays with his friends on Friday evenings.

    5 他经常请朋友们吃饭,非常大方.

    He is generous and always invites(或entertains) friends to meals.

    6 你多久 / 你每周几 打扫办公室卫生?

    How often/ On which day do you clean the office?