

  • 1."my mother took me to an exhibition yesterday."she said.

    2."we are going to study in Australia next month."they said.

    3."i'm checking your home work now."his mother said.

    4."can you tell me how to get to the nearest restaurant?"the man asked the policeman

    5."is your son going to Shanghai today or tomorrow?"he asked.

    6."do you remember what your aunt told you last night?"Li ping's father asked him.

    7."where shall i get off to change to a No.3 bus?"he asked the conductor.

    8."how many car factories have been built in your country?"he asked me.

    9."what did Edison do to help the doctor operate on his mother "the teacher asked.

    10." go to the front at once!"the officer said to the soldiers.

    答案:1.She said her mother had took her to an exhibition the day before .

    2.They said they were going to study in Australia the next month.

    3.His mother said she was checking his homework then .

    4.The man asked the policeman if he could tell him how to get to the nearest restaurant.

    5.He asked whether my son was going to Shanghai that day or the next day.

    6.Li ping's father asked him if he rememberred what his aunt had told him the night before.

    7.He asked the conductor where he could get off to change to a No.3 bus.

    8.He asked me how many car factories had been built in my country.

    9.The teacher asked what Edison had do to help the doctor operate on his mother.

    10.The officer asked the soldiers to go to the front at once.