高一英语缺词填空1、He works from d______ till dark.动词填空_______(it sti


  • 1、He works from dawn till dark.他日以继夜地工作.

    2、Will it still rain heavily when i come back from that factory?我从工厂回来时还会下雨吗?

    3、Did you water the flowers in your garden at three o'ciock this afternoon?你今天下午3点浇花园的花了吗?

    4、However late it is.无论多晚,他妈妈都会等他一起吃晚饭.

    5、she was just leaving.很不巧,我刚到她住处的时候,她正准备出门,所以我们只说了几句话.

    be just doing sth=刚要做某事

    (has just left时态不对,just left 和had just left表示“已离去”,句意不通.)