英语情景对话The missing moneyS1:You are in a shop.You are buying a


  • S2:Oh!You look so worry.what's the matter?

    S1:I can't find my money.

    2:is it stolen?

    1:no ,it should be in my bag.I do not think it has been stolen

    2:are you sure

    1:I think sure

    2:and can you remember where your bag is

    1:Perhaps I left it at home

    2:now what do you think about?

    1:I don't want to borrow money I will put the book back on the shelf.I can buy it tomorrow instead.

    2:but I think it's so 麻烦.I can send you some money

    1:is it possible?

    2:of course yes

    1:that's very kind of you,and I will borrow the money tomorrow

    2; ok


    2:it's my pleasure