注:要讲清楚原因1.A:Do you have this shirt in a larger size,please?B


  • 1.A:Do you have this shirt in a larger size,please?

    B:One moment.I'll_____________for you.

    a.make a look b.have a look c.do a look


    等等,我帮你看下,所以应该选b.have a look

    I'd like to_____________this pair of shoes,please我想试下这双鞋,所以选 a.try on

    The jacket is the right size but 这夹克码子正好,但不适合我所以选 c.it doesn'tsuit me

    A:I like your coat.B:Thanks. I bought it _____________.It was a bargain!因为It was a bargain!是这很便宜的意思

    )所以应该选c.for sale(廉价出售)

    5.The supermarket checkouts are too crowded at lunch ime.You have to__________________for 15 minutes to pay.

    a.make lines b.do lines c.stand in line 后面半句的意思应该说要排队15分钟才能付钱,所以选 c.stand in line