求一个关于birds and flowers 的英文对话...两分钟左右的..比较急


  • B:Oh,my dear,why are you here?It's so deserted here.Where do other flowers have been?

    F:Hi,bird.Thanks for caring about me.No one cares about me but you now.Once I was a nice flower that my master liked me very much.But now ...

    B:Oh,my poor man!

    F:My master gave the best care for me and I grew more and more beautiful.Until oneday,my master lost herself in gumble,she has no time for taking care of me,just spent the whole day on gumbling.So I became more and more guly.One day,one of her friends came to see her ,and told my master to throw me away for I nearly died.So I was sent here .It's very dirty and nobody passed by.

    B:People are greedy ,they always want to get more money ,let along when they lose money by gumbling.Ihate people too.

    F:Why?Do you also have a miserable experience like me?

    B:Far more than that.My father and mother were killed by people,leaving me alone.

    F:Why they killed birds?

    B:You don't know,they caught us and eat us ,some of them just cought us for fun.We are in great trouble.Nowadays,we are on the verge of dying-out.I'm living in the fright everyday.How can I be better than you?

    F:I'm dying,too.The people are so bad.So what's your next plan?

    B:Just get by however I can.I don't know where else I can be.

    F:And I have nothing todo but to wait for death.I'm frightened ,too.

    B:Well,I can help you leave this place ,I know there is a very nice place nerver be polluted and never be known by people .I'm just flying towards to that place.Will you be glad to come with me?

    F:Of course.I'm longing for such a day for a long time.Thank you for helping me get out of

    this terrible place.Let's set out as soon as possible.I can't wait.

    B:OK,let's go!