

  • It is said that fire was brought to our world from the paradise by Prometheus.With fire people can cook food t,warm themselves,drive away darkness,and frighten animals.But it can also do harm to us,for example,burn down buildings and forests.What's worse it may cost our lives.

    As fire is so dangerous,we must learn to protect ourselves.when meeting a fire bresk-out,we should first cover our mouth and nose with a piece of wet cloth in order not to breath in the smoke,which is harmful to our bodies.Remember not to use lifts or any electronic equipments.Wait for the firefighters tohelp you out if you can not leave by youselves.

    据说,火被带到我们的世界从天堂的普罗米修斯.玩火的人能做饭t,温暖自己,驱走黑暗,吓的动物.但它也可以做对我们造成的伤害,例如,烧毁建筑和森林.更糟的是,会付出我们的生活.    火一样如此危险,我们必须学会保护自己.当会议bresk-out火,我们应该首先支付我们的嘴巴和鼻子用一块湿布为了不吸入浓烟,这是对身体有害.记住不要使用电梯或任何电子设备.等待消防队员来帮助你,如果你不能离开的饮食.