

  • Lynn and Dick

    Lynn:Hey,Dick,long time no see

    Dick:Yeah,how’s it going?

    Lynn:Hard to say it.There are always so many things to do in the ending of a semester.

    Dick:You got it.So many papers are waiting for me.

    Lynn:So,how is the CET6 last week?

    Dick:Oh no.Forget it.It just killed me in a cruelest way!

    Lynn:Ha.OK.But don’t worry much about.You know.Miracle is everywhere.

    Dick:This is how I persuade myself.What’s worse!The final exam is coming!

    Lynn:You’ve got a great grade last semester,haven’t you?

    Dick:Yeah,but I am quite out of confidence.

    Lynn:Me,too.You know,I have many courses about computer and program.Oh god,I just can help to have a willingness to escape from them!

    Dick:Poor guy.My sister used to learn it,too and you know,just like you.

    Lynn:Have you started to review all of your courses.

    Dick:Almost.There are so many guys in the library.I just hardly can find a seat.

    Lynn:As usual ha.But I go to library early.So it is easy for me to get a seat.

    Dick:HA,maybe next time you can spare a seat for me

    Lynn:No problem.

    Dick:When will you go back home?

    Lynn:Maybe three days after the final exams.

    Dick:There will be a long vocation
