a little / a few / a lot / a type of / a pile / a great many


  • a little 一点儿,少量+不可数名词或形容词

    a few 一些;几个+可数名词复数

    a lot 许多;大量(可放在动词后面修饰动词=very much;亦可修饰形容词)

    a lot of +名词(不可数名词或可数名词复数)=lots of

    a type of 一种类型的…;一种型号的……

    eg.Garbage is a type of pollution.垃圾是其中的一种污染.

    a pile of:很多;一堆;大量很多= piles of

    eg.He said a pile of meaningless words.他说了一堆毫无意义的话.

    a great many 很多,许多+ 可数名词复数

    many a 许多的 +可数名词单数(但表示复数概念)

    eg.Ambition loses many a man.野心使许多人失败.

    He published many a novel.他出版过许多小说.

    In fact,many a ects of morality are universal.事实上,许多道德的观点是全球一致的.

    as a 名词(根据后面名词的不同,翻译也不同)

    as a group 作为整体;总体来讲

    as a joke 开玩笑

    as a result 结果

    as a rule 通常,一般说来

    as a whole 总的来说