

  • 参考答案

    1-5 DCBAC 6-10 DACDA

    11-15 BCDBA 16-20 BDCCA

    21-25 BDBDC 26-30 DBBDC

    31-35 BDACC 36-40 ADBBD

    41-45 BDABA 46-50 BCCDB

    51-55 CEBGF

    56. He donated it to an animal charity/ Metro Animal Control.

    57. A cat named Kitty.

    58. They were / felt amazed.

    59. It will be used to care for homeless cats / enhance / improve the homeless cats’ lives.

    60. Because he loved animals.


    61. ... father and I went fish.

    fish → fishing

    62. ... a couple of hour ... hour → hours

    63. ... most favorite lake. 去掉most

    64. ... around a lake ... a → the

    65. ... they should fish ... they → we

    66. I was exciting ... exciting → excited

    67. ... so there just ... so → but

    68. ... being patiently ...

    patiently → patient

    69. ... wait the fish ... wait后加for

    70. ... thing I catch ... catch → caught