

  • 暴风雨



    乌云是遮不住太阳的,是的,遮不住的.暴风雨是可以战胜的,是的,可以的.The stormThe sky just opened or sunlight shine on,now have a storm.The sky is so fast-changing and unpredictable.Life is such a good bad who did not know.The storm we who are hiding away,since myheart didn't fall why not brave battle to the storm?Dark clouds is can't hide the sun,yes,can't hide!The storm -- if you fear,he will take you out of pressure gas,in the face of strong and courageous man,but he beatable.What difficulty we should have the courage to face,not facing him,and the difficulties will be growing,is more and more big,the only victory over him,and we will become strong,and again after the storm there is always a rainbow.The storm to face his mutations we can call battle,we like brave,confident haiyan,facing the storm is so optimistic,finally he is victory of prophet,we can also,when we nine can loudly say:"let the storm come more fiercely!"Dark clouds is can't hide the sun,yes,can't hide.The storm is can overcome,yes,you may.
