My bast friend Chen Yang came to our school短文改错


  • My best friend Chen Yang come to our school in last term.36.去掉in

    I noticed he was quite differently from others.He liked 37.differently 改成 different

    doing sports.When other student came back to classroom 38.student 改成 students

    to studying as soon as they finished their supper,he would 39.studying 改成 study

    play the basketball for a while.It seemed that he was not a 40.去掉 the

    hardworking student,but my surprise,he took the first 前面加上 to

    place at the end of last term,I ask him how he could be so good 42.ask 改成 asked

    at her studies,although work as hard as others.“Well,43.her 改成 his

    if you want to study good,first you need to relax yourself.” 44.good 改成 well

    he said.I think that’s what we should learning from him.45.learning 改成 learn