

  • should 指说话人的期望推中的可能性,如: They should have arrived in Beijing by this time. 他们这个时候该到北京了.They should arrive at noon. 她应该在中午到达. must 指根据逻辑推断出来的可能性,表示一种必然性,如: If the lights were on, they must have been at home. 如果灯亮着,那么他们一定在家.You must be very tired. 你一定很累了. may 指具有一定量度的可能性,即可能属实但不确定,表示一种或然性.如: There may be some rain today. 今天可能会下点雨.I may be back next year. 我可能明年会回来. can 表示介乎于 must(必然性)和 may(或然性)之间的可能性.如: Such things can and do happen. 这样的事情可能而且确实发生了.long-term therapy can last five years or more. 长期治疗有可能持续5年乃至更长时间.