英语高人找错误!请帮我改下面一段话的错误!Jane told me you are change your job in


  • Jane told me you CHANGED your job TO aN art decoration company last time.(So删掉) Suddently COME UP WITH aN idea that I can provide some oil paintings for you.I don’t know IF it’s possible for you.(So删掉) you can sell it to your clientS decorating their house.I have PAINTINGS AT both high and low priceS.If you AGREE,I can give you lots of different choiceS OF paintting.Of course,if you COULD help me to sell it out that my gallery will also give you allowance.What do you think?Anyway,this is out gallery on show’s painting.Please download and preview it.And also welcome to my gallery to have aN art tour.Look forward hearing from you.

    修改的都用大写字母写出来啦!还有这句不明白楼主想说什么,告诉我,我帮你再改一下.Anyway,this is out gallery on show’s painting.