求同义句转换,谢谢~~~6. John has something to do with the traffic acc


  • 变化形式不止一种,只提供最常见的变化如下,保证准确率!

    6.John has something to do with the traffic accident.

    = John is concerned with/in the traffic accident.

    7.Work hard,and you will pass the exam.

    = If you work hard,you will pass the exam.

    8.His grandpa has been dead for five years.

    = His grandpa died five years ago.

    8.We will go camping if it doesn’t rain tomorrow.

    = We are going camping unless it rains tomorrow.

    9.My car went wrong on the halfway.

    = My car broke down on the halfway.

    10.How much did your new car cost you?

    = How much did you pay for your new car?

    11.He came up with a creative idea.

    = He thought of a creative idea.

    12.The new mobile phone cost me 900 yuan.

    = I spent 900 yuan on the new mobile phone.

    = I paid 900 yuan for the new mobile phone.

    13.We didn’t go shopping.Instead,we chatted at home.

    = We chatted at home instead of going shopping.

    14.This TV play is very successful.

    = This TV play is a great success.

    15.Do you feel like seeing a film?

    = Do you want to see a film?

    = Would you like to see a film?

    16.The hall was full of exiting people.

    = The hall was crowded with exciting people.

    17.Which is your favorite cartoon character?

    = Which cartoon character do you like best?

    18.What do you think of this watch?

    = How do you like this watch?

    19.Tom never succeeds in catching Jerry.

    = Tom never managed to catch Jerry.

    = Tom failed to catch Jerry.

    20.English is not easy to learn.

    = It is hard/difficult to learn English.

    21.It took me 2 hours to finish all my homework.

    = I spent 2 hours (in) finishing all my homework.

    22.He lives alone in that house,but he doesn’t feel lonely.

    = Although he lives in that house (all) by himself,he doesn't feel lonely.

    注:/ 表示可以任意选用其一,( )表示其内部分可以省略不写.
