单项选择1.The boy did his homework____.A.as careful as possible


  • 1.The boy did his homework____.

    [选D,首先,修饰行为动词“did his homework”要用副词carefully,所以排除形容词careful的选项A,C,其次,谓语动词用过去式,所以后面的动词也用过去式could]

    A.as careful as possible B.as carefully as he can

    C.as careful as he could D.as carefully as he could

    2.Who made the girl ____?

    [选B,首先,根据make sb.do sth.排除A,D,其次,根据keep doing sth.(一直做……),排除C]

    A.kept,cry B.keep crying C.keep cry D.kept to cry

    3.I have never seen____birds before.

    [选C,首先要弄清so和such的主要用法:so + adj./ adv.而such + n.,因为本题后面birds是个名词,根据这点排除so的选项A,B.其次,D项有问题,要改为such beautiful birds才对.]

    A.so B.so beautiful C.such D.beautiful such

    4.____heavy the box is!

    [选B,本题考察感叹句的两种句型:1.What + n.2.How + adj./adv.由于本题的heavy并没有修饰the box,所以是形容词单独使用,因此用How,排除A,C,又由于不可能How a,故排除D]

    A.What B How C.What a D.How a

    5.His words ____us.We all felt ____.


    A.surprised,surprising B.surprising,surprising
