

  • 小题1:combining classical music...with; brought it to the world; a pioneer in music

    小题2:sang along to; Throughout the concert; was greatly impressed by

    小题3:are fixed on; shows its interest in; leaves the audience guessing

    小题4:committed a murder; got into trouble; persuaded some people to

    小题5:a paper-cutting expert; from an early age, for religious purposes

    小题1:by后面接动名词做宾语:combining...with把…和…结合起来; 将其带向世界brought it to the world; …的先驱a pioneer in…

    小题2:考查词组:跟着一起唱sang along to; 考查介词:贯穿:Throughout …., 对……印象深刻be impressed by

    小题3:注视,凝视fix one’s eyes on 这里用被动式:are fixed on; 表达了它对……的兴趣shows its interest in; 让某人一直做…,用leave ..doing,leaves the audience guessing

    小题4:犯谋杀罪committed a murder; 陷入麻烦中got into trouble;说服某人做… persuaded sb to do

    小题5:剪纸专家a paper-cutting expert; 从小时候起:from an early age, 为了宗教目的for religious purposes