


    What a long and stoney road one has to travel

    To reach that far-off peak of one's ambition,

    When, one by one, the pittfalls each unravel,

    To deny the heart's desire to gain its mission.

    The pain, the sweat and tears you had to master

    Each lonely month and year before the race,

    Were challenges to urge you ever faster;

    The disciplines you daily had to face.

    You endured those years despite the pains they brought you,

    One-minded in your aim to make the grade,

    And learning all the while the things they taught you

    To never let your hope of winning fade.

    So to all those young and lovely people

    Who ran the race, though victory was denied -

    You won, you know, you climbed that lofty steeple.

    So stand up tall and arm yourselves with pride!