英语翻译流行文化中的复古风潮 【摘 要】:近阶段,“复古”这个早就存在的名词多次被时尚人士所引用,演绎起了具有浓厚复古韵


  • 本周我只挑战高分题目,因为高分难题吓倒了别人,却正是我的机会,要是竞争常规题目,我的网速跟不上.

    1,流行文化Pop Culture

    2,复古风潮 reactionist agitation

    The Reactionist Agitation in Pop Culture


    During present period,the old presented term "Reactionism" is quoted by fashion people frequently,which induced the pop culture having dense reactionism style.This culture brings the reactionist agitation to modern people.The delicate combination of pop & traditional cultures is where these creative spirits existed.This paper analysis the production of reactionism culture and the possible positive popularity significance by means of investigation.

    Keywords:Reactionism fashionable dress,Reactionism Pop Music,Cultural Significance,Combination of Pop & Traditional Cultures.