

  • A:Hi,what are you doing?

    B:I am reading an english story

    A; so,you are learning English?

    B;Yes.recently,I am so interested in it.

    A;I can see.Nowadays,many young people are learning English.

    B;Yeah,in fact,this has been a trend.

    A;But why do these people are so crazy for learning English?

    B;The world has become smaller and smaller,there are many foreigners in China today,and Chinese should go international.

    A:Well,so people learn English are to get to know other culture?

    B; Not exactly.Sometimes,just for joy.You know,there are some music are so fantastic,you will be eager to know what they are singing.

    A;I have the same feeling.

    B;And also,language itself is a tool for communication,and if you can speak english,you can chat with foreigners,and you can get many interesting things.


    B;Of course,we can make the foreigners know our Chinese better.

    A;But I think some people hate english,they think it is a cultural invasion.

    B;I can see,but I don't think so.

    A;So what do you think?

    B;English is just a tool for communication,people use it to communicate and know each other.Just like foregners learn Chinese.People speak English does not mean they are not Chinese any more.Just for better communication.

    A;Haha,so,just take it easy.