财富成功爱哪个更重要 用英语写一篇不少于四十词的短文


  • ig buck or love, which do you want ?

    everybody need money, it is a forever theme, but if the god give you chance to make a final decision, love or money, which do you prefer ?

    for me, it is undoubtly love, yes, money can buy a lot of things. but love can not calculate by money, your parents love you, and no matter you have money or not, they will support you forever, when you are a student, your friends together with you and they make friends with you not because of your money. the friendship is really pure.

    without money, maybe you will live a difficult life, but all the people love you will surrounding you and help you when needed. on the contrary, wealthy people always feel lonely, they have money but their family always feel strange to him/her, and their friends always pursuit for his/her money, if somebody wanna make friends with him/her, they will take the desire "why make friend with me" into consideration.

    so totally, i think love is more important than wealth.