填空It  is  morning.The  tiger  wdkes  up.Tiger:Umm,I  am  hun


  • It is morning.The tiger wdkes up.

    Tiger:Umm,I am hungry.What's for my breakfast today?

    At first,he sees a white rbbit.

    Rabbit:You are so_strong____.Please don't eat me.I'm too_weak___.

    Then he sees a pig and a monkey.

    Pig:Please don't eat me.I'm too_ stupid___.

    Monkey:Please don't eat me.I'm too thin___.

    Here come the elephant and the mouse.

    Elephant:Please don't eat me.I'm too___big__.

    Mouse:Please don't eat me.I'm too_small____.

    He meets a turtle and a sheep.

    Turtle::Please don't eat me.I'm too_hard____.

    Shee3p:Please don't eat me.I'm too_soft____.

    At last ,a hedgehog comes.

    Hedgehog:Please try me.I am delicious.



    The tiger_doesn't___{do not}__like____{like}the mouse.It is too small.

    Don't___make__{make}any noise.__Be___{be}quiet.Your grandma__is sleeping_______{sleep} now.

    _Don't______{do not}draw on the wall.You can_draw____{draw} on the paper.


    Peter doesn't want any pineapples.『改成肯定句』

    Peter want some pineapples.

    Is that nice scarf yours?『改成肯定句』

    That nice scarf is mine.

    There {is} one peach on the plate.『括号部分提问』

    Is there any peach on the plate?

    {The children} are wearing nice clothes.『括号部分提问』

    Who are wearing nice clothes?

    There are {some birds} near the big tree.『括号部分提问』

    What are there near the big tree?

    Carol reads newspapers every morning.『改成否定句』

    Carol doesn't read newspapers every morning.

    My brother's washing {his shoes.}.『括号部分提问』

    What is your brother washing?

    Jim does his homework {at home}.『括号部分提问』

    Where does Jim do his homework?

    Her friend has dinner at school.『改成否定句』

    Her friend doesn't have dinner at school.

    Please write your name here.『改成否定句』

    Please don't write your name here.