求此文的语法点有哪些 或者固定搭配


  • 语法点:find sb doing sth:发现某人正在做;which was written "Thank you for your respct for other's privacy"为定语从句;be regarded as:被动语态;Those waiting for:省略了”that“,”waiting for“修饰those,为定语从句;nor would they comment on the others or jewelry others wore:否定,部分倒装;

    固定搭配:to my surprise,令我惊讶/惊喜的是;away from:远离、不靠近;in turn:按顺序,有序;respct for:尊重;keep sb away from:避开、远离; nose into other's affairs

    :打听/干涉别人的事 ;be regarded as :被当成是;be deeply impressed by :被..深深感染;at a distance :在远处,保持一定距离;From then on:从那之后;avoid doing:避免做某事;put sb in a..situation:使某人处于..的状态;For instance:例如;forbid doing:禁止做;allow sb to do /allow sth to be done:允许某人做../允许某事某物被...
