

  • 通过在课堂上做的小测试,我得出了我是feeling类型的人.之后,我们根据小测试的结果进行了分组,我和另外其他三名组员在一起讨论了最理想的度假的地方是什么样子的,老师要求我们在统一了所有人的意见以后,把想法画到纸上.

    By the quiz in class, I knew that I am the type of feeling. Then we are divided into groups according to the result of the quiz. The other three members of our group and I discussed the look of our ideal holiday resort. The teacher asked us to unify all the opinions and draw our thoughts on the paper.


    有不明白的地方欢迎追问,如果满意,请采纳~ 谢谢!