

  • 隐喻:metaphor



    metaphor uses words to indicate something different from their literal meaning—— one thing is described in terms of another so as to suggest a likeness or analogy between them.隐喻有几个要点:1.最新的 2.相似性(similarity),这点很重要,本体和喻体要有相似性 3.一致性

    two things in comparison,and this comparison is implied rather than stated.

    eg:the theory needs more support.这个support就是一个隐喻,相当于把theory比喻成房子,需要地基支撑、支持,引申到支持观点、理论.

    eg:he is the apple of her eye.这个就表示很重要的人,掌上明珠之类的.

    借喻、换喻、借代:metonymy is a figure of speech in which the name of one thing is used in place of another that is associated with or suggested by it.它和暗喻的区别在于,借喻中两者要求不是相似,而是有联系,同一类事物.

    eg:will you play me some Chopin?这个地方,chopin是人名,用其来指代他的作品、音乐.

    eg:the kettle is boiling.(kettle 指代water in it.)

    eg:tongue——eloquence; brain——knowledge,wisdom or reason; Fleet Street—— the British press


    提喻synecdoche is a figure by which a more comprehensive term is used for a less comprehensive or vice versa; as whole for part or part for whole; genus for species or species for genus etc.最主要的区别方法就是一般提喻和整体、局部或是和种类、特殊,还有抽象、具体有关.

    eg:Italy beat Spain in the football match.这里,意大利和西班牙其实就是用整体来代替部分,即“意大利的球队”和“西班牙的球队”.

    eg:he paid the workers $5 per head.这里,head是指“人头”,部分(头)代替整体(每个人)

    eg:i had the muscle and they made money out of it.这里,muscle是个具体的名词,代替一个抽象名词:strength.
