英语翻译《疯狂原始人》是讲述一个原始人家 庭冒险旅行的3D喜剧动画片.原始人 咕噜一家六口在老爸Grug的庇 护下生活.


  • The crazy primitive is a 3 dimensional comedy animation about a primitive family's adventure.The GULU family lives a happy life under the cover of the father Grug.They feed on ostrich eggs,dodge from predators,and listen to the same story told by papa.They live a simple and tedious life every day.The older daughter EEP is a curious little girl who has the oppossit personality as her dad.She is not willing to spend her whole life in the cave but get out and see the wonderful world.However,the doomsday suddenly came.The cave was destroyed and the family are forced to go on a adventure.Having left the cave where they have spent almost all their life time,what awaits them is a whole new world full of interesting stuff and dangers.There are carnibal flowers and animals everywhere.The family has encountered many of the unprecendented crisis.In their journey,they have met normadic tribal man GUY,who possesses impacable creativity and innovative mindset and helped the GULU family through many difficulties.During the journey,GUY has invented many high-tech tools,which enlightened the family to realize that they need to use their brains to live and wear shoes to walk...They family were about to begin their fullfilling and adventurous journey.