在一栋建筑的台阶上,一群大四工科生凑在一团,讨论几分钟后即将到来的考试.有的学生提到他们已经找到了工作,有的学生在讨论他们以后可能的工作.大学四年的学习让他们确信他们已经完全准备好去征服这个世界(真是个烂形容= =).他们知道,即将到来的考试会很简单.(因为)教授说过他们可以带上任何他们需要的书本或者小抄进考场,只是有一点要求,那就是在考试的时候不能互相交谈.
英语翻译On the steps of one building,a group of engineering seni
英语翻译on the steps of one building .Some talked of jobs they a
英语翻译One morning,a blind boy sat on the steps of a building w
One morning, a blind boy sat on the steps of a building with
one moring,a blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a
英语翻译I live on the twelfth floor of a building. One afternoon
(英语)a group of building with streets on all sides.翻译.一组与四周的街
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英语翻译One of the most critical steps in any limit equilibrium
英语翻译1.If individuals on the edge of a group are more vigilan
There are many buildings on one side of the road,on_____of i