专家大师来看下 英语语法问题 With World War II grippin


  • 1、overseas和for battle都作状语修饰谓语 were needed;

    2、logging前面的in all不能单独看;它是一个介词短语in all logging,意即“在全部飞行记录中”;,in all logging over 60 million miles in all types of aircraft.意思是“(女飞行员)驾驶各型飞机的总飞行记录超过60000000英里”;

    3、With fewer than 300 of the pilots still alive的意思是“有不到300名飞行员还在世”,fewer than用于限制、修饰300 of the pilots;你可以把 fewer than 300 of the pilots 看成是相当于“名词/代词”的一个词,就好理解了;

    4、It was a secret trip the White House says was in the works for more than a month这句话,我们给它加上标点符号可能会更好理解

    至于flying into Bagram Air Base for a little more than four hours to salute the men and women,这是两个非谓语动词短语——一个是现在分词短语flying into Bagram Air Base for a little more than four hours,修饰前面的:“It was a secret trip,”、"(it) was in the works for more than a month.",表示伴随状况,可能是记者在做报道上,一行人的飞机正在飞行途中;也可以这样理(因为前面有 the White House says,用的是现在时态 ),所以flying into Bagram Air Base for a little more than four hours也可以理解成是(it will be) flying into Bagram Air Base for a little more than four hours这样一个完整句子的省略.it指“一行人乘坐的的飞机”;

    to salute the men and women是动词不定式短语作状语,表示此行的目的.
