a friendship 是主 sprang 是谓 From the work 是宾.
顺过来就是 A friendship sprang from the work
perhaps incomparable in intimacy and the trustfulness of collaboration and induration都是形容 a friendship的.
意思就是 从工作中诞生的友谊也许会比其他友谊更加亲密,也更有建立在合作基础上的信任且更牢固.
a friendship 是主 sprang 是谓 From the work 是宾.
顺过来就是 A friendship sprang from the work
perhaps incomparable in intimacy and the trustfulness of collaboration and induration都是形容 a friendship的.
意思就是 从工作中诞生的友谊也许会比其他友谊更加亲密,也更有建立在合作基础上的信任且更牢固.