DMAIC stands for Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve and Control, the five stages of the methodology of process improvement. It is often used to improve your existing process, including manufacture, service and working process.
Define the core of the process and customer community; find what they think of as the most important at the customer's point of view, namely, Critical to Quality (CTQ). Examine the charter of , and the process of core business.
Find the key assessment; establish the basic evaluative steps. The crew are required to accept the basic training on the applied probability and statistics, as well as classes about statistics analysis softwares and measurement analysis softwares. To avoid heavy burden on employees and help them overcome difficulties, it is recommended to group them with people who have an experience of the conduct of (六西格玛). Calculating devices can be used for ease of complex computation.
PS: 人工翻译;但本人非专业人士.六角西格玛不知为何物.如果中文表达更规范可使翻译更加顺畅、合理.