

  • 鱼在水下四处游动,其主要目的就是觅食,因为这是它们赖以生存的唯一手段,鱼又是变温动物,它的体温随着水温变化而变化,所以说不同季节的水温变化都很大程度上限制了鱼的活动范围.

    Fish in underwater roam, its main purpose is foraging, because this is the only way they can survive, fish is variable temperature animals, its temperature changes with temperature, so the water temperature changes in different seasons are largely limits the fish's activities.


    Fish in different seasons have different range of activities during the day it is from a venue change in, there is food and water temperature change effects, and human interference also nots allow to ignore, because some people waters travel more than angler, in this, fish environment to survive, resistance to strengthen. Fishing instinct


    Also become extremely wary.


    Fish when the foraging protected from the weather is bigger, the humid weather, low air pressure, fish will appear anorexia phenomenon, bigger fish would hide in the water don't eat not to move;


    Conversely, water temperature too low, fish and shoot, it will also function slow temperature, when appropriate, refus feeds sufficient oxygen, especially in the summer after the rain, the fish will quirks, foraging proactive, biting rate doubled, when some places have food, fish will through the special way to pass information, interoperability, and jump in food, water reservoir water level drops rapidly once the, the fish will show very frightened, hiding in deep water seldom eat, these are also fish habit characteristics.


    Anyhow, fish in life activities have a TongQiXing, directional sex migratory activities and collective behavior, we put this phenomenon called migration.


    Migration is one kind of phenomenon, fish is precisely relies on this kind of activity in some life period to meet its needs external conditions, make its population multiply get reliable guarantee.


    There are four main migratory fish migration and SuoErHuiYou: reproduction is warm, migration and wintering migration.


    We often found in fishing, spring carp, carp, catfish species such as JiaoWei from deep-water came to shallow water;


    The summer after the rain water garage carp will up rivers to upstream near foraging inlet;


    After half past autumn from shallow to deep fish and winter.


    These phenomena are in fish migratory habits within category.
