

  • 1.you'd better___your homework now.

    A.to do B.do C.did D.done

    had better + 动词原形 B

    2.____his wealth,he is not happy.

    A.Except for B.in spite of C.Because of D.Besides

    根据意思可以选B 尽管他很富裕,单并不快乐.

    in spite of = despite 尽管 表让步 后面接名词或短语

    3.I need my pen_____,because i must finish my homework right now.

    A.worse B.bad C.badly D.continued

    badly吧 有表示 非常 相当 极度的意思


    4.bob's doctor suggests______for a few days.

    A.that he is resting B.his resting C.him to rest D.that he rest

    suggest sb dong 但是suggest one's doing 是错误的

    suggest表建议时 后面的宾语从句 用虚拟

    也就是 (should) do 所以选D

    5.______,he went away.

    A.On the end B.In the end C.At the end D.At the end of

    首先D错误 At the end of后面需要名词

    on the end at the end 没有这样的用法 选择B

    6.It was until he entered the classroom_____he realized that he had forgotten to do the homework.

    A.before B.when C.then D.that

    强调句型 选D

    7.We moved to the front row_____we could hear and see better.

    A.so as B.so that C.because D.such that

    题意知道选择 B 以便

    8.He couldn't leave the house_______the rain.

    A.because B.therefore C.because of D.as

    选择C 表原因 because of 接名词

    9.Someone has run______with all my jewels.

    A.at B.with C.away D.to

    run away 逃跑的意思


    10.It isn't worth____for him.

    A.to wait B.waited C.waiting D.to be waited

    be worth doing 给固定用法 C

    11.John Kennedy was_____of the United States.

    A.the thirty-five president

    B.the thirty-fifth president

    C.thirty-fifth president

    D.thirty-five president

    the+序数词 CD错误 第35个总统应该是B

    12.The paint is still wet.____.

    A.Be not sure to touch it B.Be sure not to touch it

    C.Be sure to not touch it D.Don't be sure to touch

    选择B Be sure 后面接动词不定式否定形式

    13.The girl in the snapshot was smiling sweetly,_____.

    A.her long hair flowed in the breeze

    B.her long hair was flowing in the breeze

    C.her long hair flow in the breeze

    D.her long hair flowing in the breeze

    D 是独立主格

    14.There are about fifteen hundred languages in the world.But only______of them are very important.

    A.a little B.a few C.little D.few

    CD 都是否定 A 接不可数名词 所以选择B

    15.Tommy and Margie were______to read the book.

    A.anxious B.anxiety C.hope D.worry

    B为名词 C hope 用法不对 D意思不对


    16.______his wealth,he is not happy.

    A.Except for B.In spite of C.Because of D.Besides

    前面有这个题勒 B

    17.Bob tried in vain to trick his little brother_____some money from their mother's purse.

    A.to steal B.to stealing C.into steal

    D.into stealing

    trick sb.into doing 固定搭配 选D

    18.I was_____to find his article on such an ____topic to_____.

    A.surprised,excited,bored B.surprising,exciting,boring

    C.surprised,exciting,boring D.surprsing,excited,bored

    说人用ed 说物用ing


    19.It was in 1777____Vermont,threatened with invasion,declared itself an independent commonwealth.

    A.when B.that C.in which D.which

    强调句 B

    20.He didin't_____and so he failed the examination.

    A.work enough hard B.work hard enough

    C.hard work enough D.hard enough work

    选择B enough修饰 work hard

    21._____mainly for the invention of the telephone,Alexander Graham Bell devoted his life to helping the deaf.

    A.He is remembered B.To remember

    C.While remembering D.Though remembered

    选择 D 根据句意就知道勒

    22.I didn't know_____open the box.

    A.how B.how to C.what D.what to

    how to do 这个不用说勒吧 是方式

    终于完了 好累啊