英语翻译1.she is sitting u____ the tree2.what a___the dog?3.sorr


  • 帮我填一下空并翻译

    10 - 离问题结束还有 14 天 23 小时

    1.she is sitting u____ (under)the tree

    2.what a___(alikes)the dog?

    3.sorry,i don it hear clearly.I beg your p___(pardon)

    4.the dog is running a___(across) the grass

    5.the cat is d____(drinking)its milk

    6.Tim is s___(selling)the pencil

    7.Jone is w___(watching)his family

    8.the children are swimming a____(across)the river

    9.these are p____(pets) of my family

    10.our school building is b___(building)a park

    11.lily is playing ____(with) the cat

    12.I ____(beg)your pardon

    13.sally is in the garden.jill is in the garden,____(too)

    14.oh,the room is drak.nicola is turning_____(on)the light

    15.the water is running from the tap.so Amy goes to turn_____(off)the tap

    16.It is time to go to bed.Mrs.Jones is taking____(off)her clothes

    17.the aeroplane is flying____(over)the river

    18.My wife and I are walking____(beside)the banks of the water

    19.Our village is ___(near)a valley,the village is ___(near)a river

    20.the clssses are over.children are coming____(out of)the school building
