7.(Whatever) the reasons may be ...不管什么; 没有其他选择不能用whichever
8.At (what is called Hilton Hotel.) 在一个叫 "Hilton Hotel" 的所在,如果改为问句就比较容易能 理解了 :What is the name of the hotel you checked in yesterday?What ...(is the name) 道理相同
9....B.what was so called ...
和上题解释一样,改成问句试试看:What did people call this creature that was found in the mountain?
10.A./;a sending us fresh vegetables .done us a great service
新鲜多样的蔬菜,没特别指单一一个或一种所以不需冠词; 为我们提供了一个极好的服务.
11.A.a;a In a world where ...意思是说在一个 ...的特殊环境中,毕竟不是全人类都处于这种状态下.
12.C./;the National Day 单指国庆那天(即便十一节也放长假),春节 Spring Festival 这个 Festival 涵盖了整个假期.
13.A./;the north of (the) Philippine Islands,座落于菲律宾群岛的北方.Philippine Islands 是专有名词前面必须加冠词,north 只说明方位,紧跟small town 直接形容它.