

  • DMSP/OLS夜间灯光数据,主要包括稳定灯光数据、辐射标定夜间灯光强度数据、非辐射标定夜间灯光强度数据三种产品.

    DMSP/OLS night light data, mainly including stability data, radiation calibration light night light intensity data, the radiation intensity of light at night calibration data three products.


    Has the data acquisition easily, can detect low intensity lights, from the light shadow influence, convenient for urbanization strength and its spatio-temporal variation analysis provide conditions, etc.


    At present, about DMSP/OLS data research results have had many, the main focus on urban development research, human activities and effect, ecological environment impact study research and so on, but for the induction summary system research achievements have hardly.


    Based on this, this paper analyses the existing DMSP/OLS data example, according to the previous research objective, technical methods and the approach to the paper summarizes the advantages and disadvantages, explore DMSP/OLS night light intensity of average data application prospect.


    Finally, this paper summarizes the research trend data future: (1) the data itself processing method to research;


    (2) data applications should further expand;


    (3) DMSP/OLS data and other data model should be further integration of;


    (4) will the existing research results union, further study.