

  • Dear students of the Sichuan disaster areas are you:

    I learned from TV and newspapers you know that there has been eight major earthquake,it is shocking.Our school have taken place in the earthquake,the teacher let us to leave the classroom to the playground set.Because we normally have received training to escape,so quickly removed,only 2 minutes on the empty floor.

    This is my first time experiencing the feeling of the earthquake,but I know that my mother was born in Tangshan,Tangshan earthquake,she is only 4 years old,has not remember what happened years ago,there was an earthquake in Tangshan monuments,from above,I know because of the earthquake there were 24 million people lost their lives.

    I know that Grandpa Wen Jiabao,you have to go there,so students should not be afraid,the People's Liberation Army will soon have to rescue your uncle,you must adhere to live,we save you and others.Your mountain cave,the road blocked,so people who make life difficult for you to save,but the plane has gone from the air and landed it,as well as biscuits,instant noodles,water will continue from the sky,you do not fear,we all in helping you.

    I do not know how to help you,Zhao teachers so that everyone donate money to you,I have come up with all the New Year has come,a total of 120 left,I decided not to buy animation book.Some students in our class donated 200 yuan,more than I do.I also discuss and dad said that if I received a letter from the Who,and contact me on,we are willing to help the students,to provide him with books and tuition fees,until he admitted to the University.I believe the students received,you must remember to contact me.

    I know that many school buildings collapsed,many students lost their lives,parents are very painful,invites all parents lose their children strong and determined,as well as students who leave our prayers.

    Wished that the students can return to school,look forward to receiving your letter.
