汉译英,用到括号里的词语1.他同意这个周末把ps3借给我(agree)2.她独力养家(all by oneself)3.


  • 1.他同意这个周末把ps3借给我(agree)

    He agrees to lend the ps3 to me at this weekend.

    2.她独力养家(all by oneself)

    She raise family all by herself.


    The smoking is not allowed in public.

    4.我一到上海,就马上给你打电话(as soon as)

    As soon as I arrive in Shanghai, I will call you.


    You should avoid making the same mistakes.

    6.这位年轻的工程师正忙着开发新的电脑软件(be busy with)

    This young engineer is busy with developing new computer software.

    7.这个地方根本不适合人类居住(be fit of)

    This place is not fit of people living.

    8.年轻人都喜欢听流行音乐(be fond of)

    All the young are fond of listening to pop music.

    9.没有人对他所说的事情感兴趣(be interested in)

    No one is interested in what he says.

    10.这辆汽车是他父亲的(belong to)

    This car belongs to his father.
