

  • 1.a / an 表示数量 “一”,但不强调数量 “一”.如果强调数量“一”,应该用one.请比较:

    I have a brother.

    (想告诉别人:“我”有兄弟,虽然提到了 “一个”,但想强调的是 “我”不是独生子女,或想强调的是 “我”不是有姐妹.)

    I have only one brother.


    2.不表示数量 “一”,而是表示类别,可以在单数可数名词前加a /an.

    A horse runs faster than an elephant.

    注意:也可以在单数可数名词前加the或在复数可数名词前不加 任何冠词表示类别.不可数名词表示类别时不加任何冠词.例如:

    The horse runs faster than the elephant.

    Horses run faster than elephants.

    One can not live without air or water.

    3.对于说话者特指但听话者还不知的单数可数名词(人或物),第一 次提到时,前面经常加a / an;再次提到才加the,这时,说话者和听话者都知道是特指哪一个人或物.

    At a science museum in Canada,you can feel your hair stand on end as harmless electricity passes through your body.Last year I was lucky enough to have a chance to visit the museum.

    I bought a computer 3 years ago,but I have sold the computer (=it) already.


    the poor,the sick,the following,the wounded,the English,the French

    5.在最高级副词前可以加the,也可以不加the;在最高级形容词前 一般要加the; 但是,如果不表示 “最”,而是表示“非常”,则应 在最高级形容词前加 a / an,

    She sings (the) most beautifully in our school.

    Xiamen is the most beautiful city in Fujian Province.

    Xiamen is a most (=very) beautiful city.

    6.在序数词前一般要加the表示顺序;但如果表示数量的增加,表示“又一…”,相当于 “another”的意思,则要在序数词前加 a / an.

    This is the second time that I have seen the film.

    I’ve had two cakes,but I’d like a third (=another) one.

    7.提到了“演奏”的乐器前和提到了“发明”的物名前要加 the.

    She often practises playing the piano after supper.

    (比较:There is a piano near the window of the living room.)

    ---What do you think was the most useful invention in the 20th century?

    ---The cell phone,I think.

    Who invented the cell phone?

    (比较:Do you own a telephone?)


    the world,the moon

    (比较:Sitting down in front of their computers,they leave a familiar world and enter a place where things act instrange ways.)

    the United States of America,the Great Wall
