

  • London is a beautiful place,he is the capital of England.London has 1800 years of history.London's famous buildings have Big Ben,Hyde Park and the British Museum.London there are about 950 million people.Well-developed industry and agriculture.The main industrial production of electrical equipment,copper,steel,iron,leather,and textiles and so on.Bread,wine and dairy products are also important.伦敦是个美丽的地方,他是英国的首都.伦敦有一千八百多年的历史了.伦敦著名的建筑物有大笨钟、海德公园和大英博物馆.伦敦约有950万人口.工农业发达.工业主产电气器材、铜、钢、铁、皮革以及纺织品等.面包、酿酒以及乳制品亦重要.